Reciprocal moorages are agreements between Seabacs and other boating clubs that permit us to use their marina slots for free or reduced fees. Because of the excellent reputation and goodwill the Seabacs Boat Club has built, we’re proud to enjoy reciprocal mooring privileges with more than 60 yacht and boat clubs.
Reciprocals are a great way to enjoy boat travel and reduce dock expenses.
Be sure to have your Seabacs membership card and fly your Seabacs burgee when at a reciprocal dock.
You may need to call ahead to make sure the reciprocal dock is open and not already filled for the night. There is usually a limit of 1 or 2 slips reserved for use as reciprocals at the various marinas.
Use the Seabacs Reciprocal Moorage Tool to locate reciprocal moorages around Puget Sound.